The Virtual Museum
School information: Liceul Tehnologic „Petru Rares", Botosani
Partner information - Co-founder: Sevgi Bayram
Project description
The Virtual Museum
Short description
A place where different cultures and lifestyles meet: this is the Virtual Museum. Created by the students, making a connection between past, present and future, it is intended to present to the world the way people used to live in the past, how they live nowadays, and to be an inspiration for the future generation. It includes objects that have a story and a history behind them, to be treasured and respected by everyone who decides to visit our museum.
Number of pupils
Ages taught from
Ages taught to
Art, Citizenship, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, History of Culture, Home Economics, Informatics / ICT, Media Education
Vocational subjects
Art, Audiovisual medias / photography, Glass and Ceramics, Handicrafts, Health care, IT, Socio-cultural services, Textiles, Clothes and Leather, Fashion
Key competences
- Citizenship
- Cultural awareness and expression
- Digital
- Multilingual
- Personal, social and learning to learn
- Social and learning
1. Developing language and communication skills: the activities will be done in English, but some of them will also use the mother tongue of each partner. Communication skills will be developed through webinars, workshops, and virtual meetings of students.
2. Encouraging civic engagement of students: they will rediscover the history of their regions, and they are encouraged to present it to the world, with the help of the activities, thus becoming true representatives of citizenship.
3. Inclusion and diversity: the students come from different backgrounds, and they have different needs and expectations. The project aims to encourage these students to discover each other, and the background of each partner. Each of them has to offer a great deal of knowledge and experience, which will be put to good use during the activities.
4. Environmental issues: the differences between past and present lifestyles will be discovered during the project. Our ancestors lived very different lives, sustainability meant something else in that period. One of the aims is to relate to that period and to envision how sustainable life will be in the future.
5. Encouraging digital skills: the museum will have a special place in each partner school, but it will also be a virtual museum. For this to happen, students will improve their digital skills by using different apps, such as Padlet, Canva, Bookcreator, Youtube. Also, there will be regular online meetings with students.
Work process
A whatsapp group for teachers has already been created, to share ideas and opinions on the project. Also, we created a Padlet to present ourselves and to share ideas. This padlet will also be used by the students during the whole project. Each partner is responsible for the implementation of the activities of the project, for organizing the team of students (5-10 students).
The project will begin at the end of December or beginning of January, and it will last for 5-6 months. An approximate calendar of activities is as follows:
1. Presentation of partners (Turkey - teachers and students on padlet)
2. Logo competition (Turkey - students on canva)
3. Poster competition (Romania - students on canva)
4. Intro/final video of the project (Turkey)
5. Webinars with teachers/students (Romania)
6. Project Map (Greece)
7. Pre-test and post-test for teachers and students (Italy)
8. Making interviews with members of the families to find out the stories of the objects selected for the museum (all partners - students)
9. Arranging the objects in a museum at school (all partners - students)
10. Creating the virtual museum, with the objects and their stories (all partners - students)
11. Creating 3D models of objects (Turkey)
12. Visiting museums of etnography, history, natural history (all partners - students)
13. Past-present-future - a way of making life more sustainable (Portugal - students)
14. Creating the TwinSpace, the brochure and the magazine of the project (Romania)
Expected results
1. A brochure and a magazine of the project
2. The Virtual Museum
3. the TwinSpace of the project
4. improved language and communication skills
5. improved digital skills
6. improved citizenship skills
7. improved knowledge on sustainability
8. improved inclusion and diversity of students
9. improved historical and cultural knowledge